Chris Rijksen

About Chris Rijksen

Chris Rijksen, he/him, with his own film collective DeTransketeers, works on stories that can change society. Together with Bart Peters (directing) and Jonah Lamers (production), they have since 2015 created projects with a big focus on positive visibility and diversity, such as the documentary 'Hormoonrevolutie' with VPRO, the series 'Ik word Prostituee' on Net5 and the BNNVARA series 'Queer Amsterdam'. With imagination, they contribute to the dialogue on identity, gender and emancipation. Chris was winner of the Pride Photo Award in 2012 and the Transketeers won the audience award at film festival TranScreen with their short film 'I am not a Number: Alejandra'.

The importance of fair practice to me:

"Contributing through imagination is your desire as a maker, but you are often also in the middle of social tension: how do you make beautiful things in an ethical way?That's where Fair Practice is a good guide."
